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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Optifast - Day 2

Weight this morning: 261.4 lbs (down 4.4 lbs!)

OK. So this is pretty crummy so far. I've not been hungry, really. But, the shakes are giving me really bad diarrhea. (I know -- WAY too much information).

My weight yesterday morning was 265.8 lbs. This morning, as you can see above, I'm down almost 5 lbs from that, probably from all the fluids going out of my body. I've guzzled Crystal Lite all day yesterday just to keep my fluids up, not to mention the fact that this regimen requires that I drink an additional 64ozs of nocal liquids on top of the shakes/soup/snack bar. This morning, I'm switching to seltzer water because I'm afraid the Crystal Lite may be irritating my throat.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up, it will probably get better. I thought I would start weight watchers but they couldn't get enough people here sooooo I guess I will try something else. Tina has started a blog called Tales of the Slim & Trim that when I decide my goals I'm going to particiate in. You can go in through my blog and then if it interests you she can inivite you. Just a thought.
